Fool's Bravado Remix RR: 8.5 I have no idea what the title means. Quite a nice place for a fight, though, of the "deserted power station" variety, lovingly remixed by Tux_the_Penguin and Tmon, using all the latest textures to give a nice, time-stained "rusty" finish to some of the walls. I haven't found a shield yet, but the megapower is there if you jump up on some stones or jump down from the upper walkway, and a pair of megajumps bring the whomper within reach. The triple strike is slightly hidden and difficult to get to, but other weapons are around. There are curving stairways, or an elevator, and, as so often happens in these old buildings rented from UT, part of the ground floor is inches deep in water. Not too small, not too large, realistic texturing and light - one of the best of the recent crop of maps, it was fun to explore and fun to fight there, with the expert assistance of FeEdiKo. So, add this one to your files, including the new textures file, and prepare for an enjoyable time! |